Monday, March 5, 2007

Day 2

Zone | Start - Azurmyste Isle | Finish -
Level | Start - 9 | Finish -
Money | Start - 6s 6c | Finish -
Loot | Nothing worth mentioning

Something is causing my laptop to crash when I run wow so I got very little grinding in last night. I have the bot running on a seperate PC now and everything is going smoothly.

I continued gliding the area around Azure Watch until 10, got my new spells, and headed to a new spot. Everything was going fine until about halfway through 11. It seemed like every other mob in the area was bugged and I couldn't do any damage to them at all so I logged for a while. Logged back in a few minutes later and the bugged mobs where gone. I hit glide and went afk.

After a bit I got a whisper from a powerleveling service and then a warrior whispered me asking for a buff a little while later...not a big deal, I buffed her, waved, and continued on until level 13.

At 13 I headed over to Bloodmyste Isle and set up a glide on some hatchlings along the beach and headed to bed.

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