Monday, March 5, 2007

Starting Over

I will be starting a new character in a few days.
I will be taking a few more precautions this time around.


Banned already.

I woke up to find the pally dead. I ran to the corpse, ressed and started gliding.

I noticed the bot trying to kill an invisible mob so I hit escape and walked away from it. Five seconds later I receive a gm whisper.

2:18 PM |Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: I love your blog! Thanks for the add!

They might have traced my IP or maybe just searched all of the new pvp servers for low level Draenei paladins that where on all of the time. Who knows.

At least I got a whisper this time around =P

Day 2

Zone | Start - Azurmyste Isle | Finish -
Level | Start - 9 | Finish -
Money | Start - 6s 6c | Finish -
Loot | Nothing worth mentioning

Something is causing my laptop to crash when I run wow so I got very little grinding in last night. I have the bot running on a seperate PC now and everything is going smoothly.

I continued gliding the area around Azure Watch until 10, got my new spells, and headed to a new spot. Everything was going fine until about halfway through 11. It seemed like every other mob in the area was bugged and I couldn't do any damage to them at all so I logged for a while. Logged back in a few minutes later and the bugged mobs where gone. I hit glide and went afk.

After a bit I got a whisper from a powerleveling service and then a warrior whispered me asking for a buff a little while later...not a big deal, I buffed her, waved, and continued on until level 13.

At 13 I headed over to Bloodmyste Isle and set up a glide on some hatchlings along the beach and headed to bed.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Day 1

Zone | Start - Azuremyst Isle | Finish - Azuremyst Isle
Level | Start - 1 | Finish - 8
Experience | Start - o/400 | Finish - 2740/5400
Money | Start - 6 copper | Finish - 6silver 6copper
Loot | Junk |

So I went through the character creation process and decided to make a Draenei Paladin on a new PVP server. I have had very limited experience botting a Paladin so I figured I would give it a shot.

After creating my new pally I accepted the first quest which sends me out gathering moth blood. I made a small profile around a bunch of moths. Since paladins arent very good gliders at low levels I decided to set the class up as a rogue. I replaced stealth with seal of righteousness, cheap shot with auto attack, and eat with holy light. I set the class to stealth only on pull with a 10 yard pull range and to open with cheapshot.

At level 4(took about 15 minutes) I decided it was time to move on. I turned in my quest, sold my greys and trained in my new abilities.

I found a nice spot west of the crash sight with plenty of root lashers to get me from 4-6. The glide is also pretty small, but that really doesnt matter since it will take virtually no time to get two levels. I popped on Devotion aura and let the bot do its thing.

I went afk for about 20 min minutes and got about halfway through level 6. After buying new spells I headed out of the newbie zone and to the next island. I setup the paladin class bar and made a glide around the forest killing stags and fledglings before going afk for the night.


I just wanted to let all of you know that I created a Myspace page dedicated to this project. The url is



So I spent some time figuring out the functions or wowglider (the bot) and I am now ready to record my progress and my various encounters on an automated journey from level 1-70.

I will publish a daily report on the progress of the bot featuring screen shots and any interesting encounters with other players or GMs (Game Masters).

The official launch of the bot will be at 5PM 03/03/2007

If anyone has any suggestions on a race/class combination I will consider them. If not it will be random...somehow.

Friday, March 2, 2007

The Beginning

World of Warcraft. WOW. The end of social lives around the world. 8 million strong and growing.

I have been playing the massive multi-player online role playing game (MMORPG or just MMO) World of Warcraft (or WoW) for about two years now.

I have been on countless adventures and have slain many beasts on my journey to reach the highest level. I had played through the night until the wee hours of the morning. Day after day sitting in front of the computer ignoring my friends and loved ones. Then one day while browsing websites on Google I stumbled over a WoW botting program. This program will actually level my character for me, running on a user set path killing monsters and gathering treasure. This program has set me free.

I am free.

Botting is a big no no in WoW and if you are caught your account will get banned. If your account is banned then that is the end of anything that existed on said account including characters, gold, and items. The only solutions to this are either buying a new account or quitting WoW.